Privacy Policy

This page sets forth the methods of handling personal information provided by customers to Figney Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Figney"), the operator and provider of the service "Magic Stone Guardians" (hereinafter referred to as the "Service"), including the application required for using the Service.

Definition of Personal Information

Figney defines personal information as information about living individuals stipulated by laws related to the protection of personal information (such as names, dates of birth, and other specific information that can identify a specific individual), as well as information like email addresses, user IDs, passwords, credit card information, and attributes information related to hobbies, family composition, age, and other personal attributes that are associated with specific individuals.

Purposes of Using Personal Information

Figney will use the personal information obtained within the Service for the following purposes:

  1. Displaying user rankings that can be viewed within the Service
  2. Analysis of usage status of the Service

Restrictions on the Use of Personal Information

Figney will not handle personal information beyond the scope necessary for achieving the stated purposes without obtaining prior consent from the individual. Even in cases of mergers or acquisitions, personal information will not be handled beyond the scope of the original purpose. However, there are exceptions in the following cases:

  1. Based on legal requirements
  2. When obtaining consent from the individual is difficult and there is a need to protect life, body, property, or other rights
  3. When there is a particular need for public health or promoting sound growth of children, and obtaining consent from the individual is difficult
  4. When cooperation is necessary for a government agency, local public entity, or their entrusted person to fulfill statutory duties

Proper Collection of Personal Information

Figney will collect personal information appropriately and will not acquire it through deception or other illicit means. Additionally, Figney will make efforts to refrain from collecting information about individuals under the age of 15 without the consent of their legal guardians.

Notification of Purpose When Collecting Personal Information

Prior to collecting personal information, Figney will publicly disclose the intended purpose. However, there are exceptions in the following cases:

  1. When notifying or publicizing the purpose may harm the life, body, property, or other rights and interests of the individual or third parties
  2. When notifying or publicizing the purpose may harm Figney's rights or legitimate interests
  3. When cooperation is necessary for a government agency, local public entity, or their entrusted person to fulfill statutory duties, and notifying or publicizing the purpose may obstruct the performance of such duties
  4. When the purpose is clear from the circumstances of acquisition

Change of Purpose for Using Personal Information

When Figney changes the purpose of using personal information, it will only do so to an extent that is reasonably related to the previous purpose. Figney will notify or disclose the changed purpose to the individual concerned.

Security Management of Personal Information and Employee Supervision

Fignee establishes a personal information protection policy and provides necessary and appropriate supervision to employees in order to ensure the prevention of leakage, loss, or damage of personal information and the secure management of personal information.

Supervision of Contractors

When entrusting all or part of the handling of personal information, Fignee concludes contracts with contractors that include confidentiality agreements, or obtains agreements in accordance with terms set by Fignee, and provides necessary and appropriate supervision to ensure the secure management of personal information by contractors.

Restrictions on Third-Party Provision

Except for cases listed below, Fignee will not provide personal information to third parties without obtaining the prior consent of the individual.

  1. When required by law
  2. When it is difficult to obtain consent from the individual and it is necessary to protect human life, body, or property
  3. When necessary for the promotion of public health or the sound development of children, and obtaining consent from the individual is difficult
  4. When it is necessary to cooperate with government agencies, local public bodies, or individuals entrusted by them to perform duties prescribed by law, and obtaining consent from the individual may hinder the performance of such duties
  5. When the following matters have been notified or publicly disclosed in advance
    1. Including provision to third parties in the purpose of use
    2. Items of data provided to third parties
    3. Means or methods of provision to third parties
    4. Stopping the provision of personal information to third parties at the request of the individual

However, the following cases do not fall under the definition of third parties as specified above.

  1. When Fignee entrusts all or part of the handling of personal information within the scope necessary to achieve the purpose of use
  2. When personal information is provided due to mergers or other reasons related to business succession
  3. When personal information is jointly used with specific individuals, and information about the purpose of joint use, items of personal information jointly used, the scope of joint users, the purposes of joint users, and the names or names of responsible parties for the management of such personal information are notified to the individual in advance or placed in a state where the individual can easily know

Disclosure of Information Regarding Personal Information

Fignee will provide responses without delay to requests from individuals regarding the following matters related to personal information, and place these matters in a state where the individual can know, and respond promptly to the individual's requests.

  1. Purpose of use of personal information (except when obligations are not provided by the Act on the Protection of Personal Information; in case of a decision not to respond, the individual will be promptly notified of such decision)
  2. Contact information for inquiries regarding personal information

Disclosure of Personal Information

When requested by the individual for disclosure of personal information, Fignee will promptly disclose such information to the individual. However, disclosure will not be provided under the following circumstances.

  1. When there is a risk of harming the life, body, property, or other rights and interests of the individual or a third party
  2. When there is a risk of significantly hindering the proper conduct of Fignee's business
  3. When it would violate other laws

Correction and Other Actions Concerning Personal Information

When requested by the individual due to inaccurate personal information, Fignee will promptly conduct necessary investigations within the scope required for the achievement of the purpose of use, except when special procedures are prescribed by other laws, and based on the investigation results, will make corrections or other actions concerning the content of personal information and notify the individual of such actions.

Deletion of Personal Information

When requested by the individual due to the handling of personal information beyond the scope of the purposes publicly disclosed in advance, or due to information acquired through deception or other illegitimate means, Fignee will promptly conduct necessary investigations and based on the results, delete the personal information and notify the individual of such deletion. However, in cases where deleting personal information incurs substantial costs or other difficulties that make deletion impossible, and alternative measures are available to protect the individual's rights and interests, Fignee will take such alternative measures.

Explanation of Reasons

Fignee will make efforts to explain the reasons when deciding to:

  1. Not provide notification of the purpose of use
  2. Not disclose all or part of the personal information
  3. Not perform corrections or other actions concerning personal information
  4. Not suspend the provision of personal information to third parties

despite requests from individuals.

Contact Us

For inquiries regarding Figney's privacy policy, please contact us at the following address:

14th Floor, Metropolitan Plaza Building, 1-11-1 Nishi-Ikebukuro, Toshima-ku, Tokyo, Japan Figney Co., Ltd. Compliance Team